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Donovan’s Vision Blog

Build a Jenga game in Vision OS

Building on the previous posts, we can put everything together into one demo.

This is the goal. To build an interactive Jenga-like brick tower game where the bricks can be removed (and stacked on top) until the tower falls over.

Finished project #

You can download the finished code here as an Xcode project.

Topics covered #

This work brings together all the previous topics we've covered including:

Getting started #

Begin with a new Vision Pro app in Xcode. You don't need to change any defaults - we will set up the immersive space in code.

Creating a table-top in Reality Composer Pro #

Before creating the game in code, we can try making and importing a scene from Reality Composer Pro. For this we'll create a simple "table" object to act as a stage on which the blocks can sit.

First, in your Xcode project, select Packages -> RealityKitContent -> Package, then on the top right select Open in Reality Composer Pro.

For this project we need a large flat surface. Here's how it will look:

Reality Composer showing a 'table' object

To add the floor, select the + on the bottom left of the scene contents list, then select Primative Shape -> Cube. This adds a plain cube. On the top right, we can scale this to the shape needed by setting a scale of 1.5, 0.02 and 1.5 for x, y and z. I then adjusted it down a little by setting the Position value of y to -8.

We need a material also. To add a material I select the Show content library on the top right (+). I chose a grey felt material and dragged it into the scene. Then in the cube object, under Material Bindings, select this material.

I then set up connectors.

Connectors in Reality Composer Pro #

We configure the way the 3D object behaves by using connectors. On the right-hand panel select Add Component and add the following:

Within Physics body make sure Mode is set to Static. This means it won't fall with gravity.

Under Collision I just left everything default.

Lastly on the top left change the Cube name to table. We can now switch back to Xcode and use this object.

Window and Immersive views #

We set up the two views as before, WindowGroup and ImmersiveSpace:

struct JengaApp: App {
    @State private var currentStyle: ImmersionStyle = .mixed
    @StateObject var viewModel = SharedViewModel()

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(viewModel: viewModel)
        .defaultSize(width: 300, height: 100)

        ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") {
            ImmersiveView(viewModel: viewModel)
        }.immersionStyle(selection: $currentStyle, in: .mixed)

This code also instantiates SharedViewModel and passes is into the two views. This will allow us to coordinate resetting the game and handle the game state. We create this later.

We need to set up a Task in our ContentView that loads the ImmersiveSpace when the app opens:

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: SharedViewModel

    @Environment(\.openImmersiveSpace) var openImmersiveSpace
    @Environment(\.dismissImmersiveSpace) var dismissImmersiveSpace

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Reset game") {
                // Code here to reset the game
        .task {
            await openImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace")

This sets the windowed view with a title and button to reset the game.

Adding Gestures #

We can get some useful code for handling drag and rotate gestures when adding gestures to an entity. Copy the files across from the Packages -> RealityKitContent -> Sources -> RealityKitContent "Components" and "Extensions" folders.

We then set up the immersive view that will be shown.

struct ImmersiveView: View {
    @ObservedObject var viewModel: SharedViewModel

    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            // Code here to load the scene and game pieces

    private func loadScene() -> Entity? {
      try? Entity.load(named: "Scene", in: realityKitContentBundle)

This sets up the view and calls installGestures to make the gestures available.

Shared view model #

We create a shared model as an ObservableObject in SharedViewModel.swift:

import Foundation
import RealityKit
import RealityKitContent
import SwiftUI

final class SharedViewModel: ObservableObject {
  // Starting positions for the table and game pieces
  let startingPositionX: Float = -0.5
  let startingPositionY: Float = 0.75
  let startingPositionZ: Float = -1.75

We set it up with some initial data which we can use to ensure a consistent position for our game table and when placing the brick pieces.

Adding floor and table #

We can add some code to our model to handle generating a floor:

func generateFloor() -> ModelEntity {
    let floor = ModelEntity(
        mesh: .generatePlane(width: 50, depth: 50),
        materials: [OcclusionMaterial()]
    floor.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false)
    floor.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] = .init(
        massProperties: .default,
        mode: .static
    return floor

Then in ImmersiveView, we use this as well as loading the table:

RealityView { content in
    let floor = viewModel.generateFloor()

    if let table = loadScene() {
        table.position.x = viewModel.startingPositionX + viewModel.pieceWidth
        table.position.y = viewModel.startingPositionY
        table.position.z = viewModel.startingPositionZ - viewModel.pieceWidth


At this point we should have an empty table and a window. Next we add the brick pieces.

Generating bricks #

In the SharedViewModel we can set up the logic to generate these brick pieces:

final class SharedViewModel: ObservableObject {
  // ... other code
  let numberOfRows = 16
  let pieceWidth: Float = 0.075
  let pieceHeight: Float = 0.045
  let pieceDepth: Float = 0.225

  // ... more code to come here

First we set some more values to describe the width, height and depth / length of the pieces. These look ok for my demo and are based on the real proportions.

We then add a method to generate a model for each brick:

func generatePiece() -> ModelEntity {

  // Simple material
  var defaultMaterial = PhysicallyBasedMaterial()
  defaultMaterial.baseColor.tint = .orange
  defaultMaterial.roughness = PhysicallyBasedMaterial.Roughness(floatLiteral: 1)

  let piece = ModelEntity(
      mesh: .generateBox(width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight, depth: pieceDepth, cornerRadius: 0.005),
      materials: [defaultMaterial]

  // Shadow
  piece.components.set(GroundingShadowComponent(castsShadow: true))

  // Input

  // Hover effect

  // Configure and apply gestures component
  let jsonData = """
      "canDrag": true,
      "pivotOnDrag": true,
      "preserveOrientationOnPivotDrag": true,
      "canScale": false,
      "canRotate": true
  """.data(using: .utf8)!

  do {
      let decoder = JSONDecoder()
      let gestureComponent = try decoder.decode(GestureComponent.self, from: jsonData)
  } catch {
      print("Failed to decode JSON: \(error)")

  // Collisions
  piece.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false)

  // Physics
  let physicsMaterial = PhysicsMaterialResource.generate(
      staticFriction: 0.35,
      dynamicFriction: 0.25,
      restitution: 0.5
  piece.components[PhysicsBodyComponent.self] = .init(
      massProperties: .init(shape: .generateBox(width: pieceWidth, height: pieceHeight, depth: pieceDepth), mass: 1),
      material: physicsMaterial,
      mode: .dynamic
  return piece

This method sets up a piece and adds all the needed components to let them be dragged, fall with gravity and more.

Generating the tower #

We need to create a tower from a set of pieces. To do this let's set up a method:

final class SharedViewModel: ObservableObject {
  // ... other code
  var tower = Entity()

  func generateTower() {
      let numberOfPieces = numberOfRows * 3
      tower.position.x = startingPositionX
      tower.position.y = startingPositionY
      tower.position.z = startingPositionZ

      for i in 0..<numberOfPieces {
          let piece = generatePiece()
 = "piece-\(i + 1)"

          // Position the piece in place
          positionPiece(index: i, piece: piece)
      tower.transform.rotation = simd_quatf(angle: .pi / 4, axis: SIMD3<Float>(0, 1, 0)) // Rotate 45 degrees around the y-axis

We add a tower of type Entity. This is defined in the class so it can later be used to reset the pieces.

The first method to use it is generateTower, which positions the entity based on the starting positions, then loops through the required number of pieces and adds them to the entity. We need to create the method that positions the piece.

func positionPiece(index: Int, piece: ModelEntity) {
    let rowIndex = index / 3
    let pieceIndexInGroup = index % 3

    if rowIndex % 2 == 0 {
        piece.position.x = Float(pieceIndexInGroup) * pieceWidth
        piece.position.z = 0
    } else {
        // Odd row: align along z-axis
        piece.position.x = pieceWidth
        piece.position.z = (Float(pieceIndexInGroup) * pieceWidth) - pieceWidth
        piece.orientation = simd_quatf(angle: .pi / 2, axis: SIMD3<Float>(0, 1, 0)) // Rotate 90 degrees around the y-axis

    piece.position.y = (Float(rowIndex) * pieceHeight) - pieceHeight

This method makes use of the index of the given piece. It works out which row the piece is in and its position in the row. It then turns the piece 90 degrees for every odd-numbered row so that they alternate. These positions are relatvie to the containing tower entity.

Lastly we build the tower when the shared view model initialises.

init() {

Placing the tower #

With the tower full of pieces we need to place it on the table. Back in ImmersiveView, add the tower to the content:

RealityView { content in
    // ... other code
    // Add pieces

Rest game button #

We should now have a workable Jenga tower. The next step is to have some way to reset it. Add a reset method to the SharedViewModel:

func reset() {
    var i = 0
    for child in tower.children {
        if let modelEntity = child as? ModelEntity {
            child.orientation = simd_quatf()
            positionPiece(index: i, piece: modelEntity)
            i += 1

This method resets the orientation of the pieces (try it without it - creates a fun explosion) then runs the positionPiece method on each piece to put it back into the starting position.

Bonus: Going further #

If you want to go further check out these posts: